As an important part of the hospitality industry, hotel operators and team members are constantly striving to give their valued guests a safe, memorable, and comfortable experience. Digital 2 way radios can allow the front desk to contact maintenance engineers, security, catering, and concierge group members quickly, both as a group or individually to ensure that the customer has their needs met in a timely manner and that any potential hazardous experience is avoided.
Our team of experts can advise you on the most current technology and audio accessories that can ensure proper coverage and less background noise for patrons to overhear. In addition to wireless voice equipment, we can also advise you on smart video camera systems that will go the extra mile to keep your property safe. We have been a trusted service provider to our customers in Washington since 1998.

In the hospitality industry, exceeding guests’ expectations with exceptional customer service is job number one. Yet, in today’s world, customer experience begins with safety. We envision a world where technology works seamlessly together to combine intelligent awareness technology with fast, seamless communication to enable not only safety but also efficiency, from arrival to check out. We call this vision – Safety Reimagined.
Are you ready to take your communication to the next level?
You’re responsible for monitoring a large venue – or even multiple sites – filled with employees, secure areas, vast spaces, and highly saturated areas of hundreds and sometimes thousands of guests at a time. Identifying unwanted individuals, tracking persons of interest, locating nearest resources and containing escalating situations in this environment is a demanding task. Appearance Search capabilities quickly and seamlessly explore video footage to identify persons or vehicles of interest across your venue or parking lot. Video analytics detect potentially suspicious or potentially dangerous activity, providing real-time insights into facility-wide movements. The Focus of Attention interface quickly brings your attention to areas of video security interest, increasing efficiency and improving response time when evaluating a situation. Ultimately, these solutions and insights are crucial to cutting through the noise, proactively locating points of interest and recognizing which events are important — so you can have eyes on the scene to evaluate and determine the best response possible and with greater confidence.

Overseeing the widespread and diverse areas of your venue while maintaining a safe environment for your employees and guests can be a challenge. From controlling multiple points of entry, monitoring staff safety to securing and monitoring restricted areas, detection plays a critical role in improving situational awareness and decreasing response times to potential issues and operational problems. Integrated video security uses artificial intelligence to create high visibility across your property all in one view. Access control provides entry management, immediate lockdown capabilities and push notifications to devices. Ensure all personnel — across multiple teams and devices — are automatically informed of critical information simultaneously and automatically when a situation is detected. All of this comes together to provide you with better insights — so you can focus on enhancing your guests’ experience.
Whether you are a front-desk attendant needing to routinely communicate across various teams, security on the casino floor, or a response team dealing with a medical emergency of a guest, clear and timely communication is key to keeping your teams connected and informed. Radio communications instantly and reliably connects security, response teams, waiters, house-keeping, parking attendants, concierge and local first responders when needed. Broadband push-to-talk with multimedia capabilities extends your reach by enabling voice and data information to be shared across devices to those in other sister-facilities or off-site. Mass notification capabilities make it easy to notify and share information with your entire organization at a moment’s notice. Connectivity — across devices, networks and locations — is an important part of ensuring you and your entire team are aware and informed at all times.

Whether it’s an everyday incident or an emergency situation, your response teams and facility personnel need to communicate with each other to coordinate a response in the most efficient way possible. Being ready and aware is critical to ensuring your team can quickly respond to whatever situations may arise. Your guests’ experience will be enhanced when your valued employees are equipped with the right tools for maintaining efficiency as well as a sense of security among your staff. Dynamic interoperability makes it easy to directly share data with public safety response team personnel in real-time, enhancing situational awareness. Incident management streamlines the logging of incident reports and makes it easy to associate multimedia with incident reports and inform future decision-making for the safety of your security teams, employees and guest safety. Enabling rapid response and documenting past incidents can be the key to preventing incidents from becoming tragedies and bringing unwanted publicity to your facility.